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Mail Address : Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine, Basic Medical Sciences Building 2nd Floor,  Görükle Campus, Nilüfer, BURSA.



Department’s Brief History

Our department was founded by late Prof. Dr. Şermin (Kalaycı) PAKER in 1977 when she started as a Histology faculty member. At that time the Department of Anatomy-Histology and Embryology was divided into two separate departments. Prof. Dr. Paker served as the first Head of Department. In 1981 two abovementioned departments were re-united by the YÖK under the name of Department of Morphology. In 1984 the Department was moved to the new building at the Görükle Campus with all other basic medical sciences departments. After Prof. Dr. Paker’ unexpected passing away in 1990, Prof. Dr. Şahin A. SIRMALI (then an associate professor) was appointed as the Head of the Department. In 1993 the Department of Morphology was once again divided into two separate departments and since then the Department of Histology and Embryology has been an individual department. During all these times Prof. Dr. Şahin A. SIRMALI has been the part of the department until he retired in 2016. 
There are 7 faculty members working at the department including 5 professors and 2 associate professors. Until today 13 masters, 10 doctorate students and 7 residents were graduated from the department. Recently there are 12 graduate students continuing their education. 
Between 1977 and 1990 the Head of the Department was Prof. Dr. Şermin Paker, then Prof. Dr. Şahin A. Sırmalı took over and been the Head of the Department between 1991 and 2007. Prof. Dr. İlkin Çavuşoğlu (2007-2010) and Prof. Dr. Zeynep Kahveci (2010-2013) were selected as the Head of the Department and currently Prof. Dr. Semiha Ersoy is the acting Head of the Department since 2013.
The Department of Histology and Embryology has organized two national meetings: 
1. II. National Histology and Embryology Congress. 31 August-2 September 1994, Hotel Büyükyıldız, Bursa.
2. 14. National Electron Microscopy Congress with International Participation. 1-4 September 1999, Kervansaray Hotel, Bursa.

Location and Infrastructure

The Department is localized on the second floor of the Basic Medical Sciences Building and has two parts including one part for faculty members’ offices and advanced research laboratories and another part for assistants’ offices, student microscopy laboratory and routine histology laboratories. 
The infrastructure of our department is consist of the equipment located in the below laboratories. This equipment was gathered through the University and medical school funds as well as by 5 TÜBİTAK and 6 BAP project grants.  
Electron Microscopy Unit: TEM electron microscope, ultramicrotome, trimming device.
Microwave Laboratory: 2 advanced research microwave ovens.
Basic Neuroscience and Neuroendocrine Laboratory: Cryostat, 2 vibratomes, refrigerating centrifuge, perfusion pump, 2 orbital shakers, precision scale. 
Prof. Dr. Şermin Paker Cell and Embryo Culture Laboratory: Incubators, invert microscope, laminar-flow cabinet, and sterilizer.
Image Analyses Unit: Research microscope with florescence attachment, high resolution digital camera, computerized image analysis system, stereomicroscope.
Routine Histology Laboratory: Rotary microtome, tissue processor, hot water tank, ovens, distilled water apparatus, -80 freezers.
Resident Training Process
The graduate education at the Department of Histology and Embryology includes both the residents and the graduate students towards MS and/or PhD degrees. The curriculum is adapted according to the National Curriculum for Histology and Embryology Education. Education period is planned as 3 years for residency program, 2 years for master’s program and 4 years for doctorate program. Students first take theoretical and laboratory classes according to the curriculum then work for their dissertation studies at the laboratory. For graduation students must successfully defend their dissertations. 

Research Areas and Service Areas

Department’s research areas include neurosciences, basic neuroendocrinology, reproductive biology and embryology and systems histology. Department also collaborates with other researchers through the use of routine and advanced histology as well as embryology techniques. Department has no clinical services.