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Department’s Brief History

Department of Child Health and Disease was established by Prof. Dr. İbrahim Ildırım on 21.01.1974. When Ibrahim Ildırım, the founder of the department became a professor in April 1976, M.D. Özgen Eralp, M.D. Turgut Özeke, M.D. Ünsal Günay were given the title of associate professor and, they have worked until they retired from the age limit.
Pediatric Infection Diseases, Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric Hematology and Pediatric Gastroenterology have established. In the following years, Pediatric Allergy, Pediatric Cardiology, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Pediatric Endocrinology, Pediatric Nephrology, Pediatric Oncology, Pediatric Immunology and Pediatric Metabolism Science Departments have established and started their services.
The head of Uludag University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Child Health and Disease carried out by  M.D. Ibrahim Ildırım, M.D. Ünsal Günay, M.D. Özgen Eralp, M.D. Mehmet Okan, M.D. Ömer Tarım, M.D. Nihat Sapan, M.D. Betül Sevinir and M.D. Nilgün Köksal, respectively.
Scientific meetings which were organized or contributed;
The 33rd National Pediatrics Congress was held in 1989, and the 44th National Pediatric Congress was held in Bursa in 2000 under the direction of our department of Child Health and Disease.
Published Journals;
The Journal of Current Pediatrics, indexed in the national and international database, have published for 14 years by our department of Child Health and Disease.
Participating in the establishment of Associations;
Bursa branch of Turkish Pediatric Association, Bursa branch of Turkish National Pediatric Society, and Association for the Protection and Development of Children's Health (ÇOSAD) were founded in our department of Child Health and Disease, and all of them still works.
Books that are edited or collaborated by faculty members:
Child Health and Disease, Basic Information in Diagnosis (Propaedeutic)
History and Physical Examination in Childhood
Terms Glossary of Pediatric Cardiology

Location and Infrastructure

Our department member rooms and Neonatology, Pediatric Allergy, Pediatric Chest Disease, Pediatric Neurology, General Pediatric, Pediatric Immunology, Pediatric Immunology-Rheumatology, Pediatric Nephrology, Pediatric Nephrology-Rheumatology, Pediatric Cardiology, Pediatric Gastroenterology polyclinics and Pediatric Dialysis Unit are on the 2nd floor in the A block. Child Health and Disease Service 1, Child Health and Disease Service 2, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Pediatric Endoscopy Unit are located on the 4th floor, Pediatric Endocrinology and Pediatric Metabolism Polyclinics are located on the second floor in B block.
Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Department member rooms, polyclinics, services, and bone marrow transplantation unit are at Sabahattin Gazioğlu Children's Hematology and Oncology Hospital, which commenced service in 2014.
Allergy Test Laboratory, Pulmonary Function Test and Sweat Test Laboratory are serving in Division of Pediatric Allergy; EEG Laboratory is in Pediatric Neurology; Dialysis Unit is in Pediatric Nephrology; Echocardiography, ECG and Angiography Laboratory are in Pediatric Cardiology; Endoscopy Laboratory is in Pediatric Gastroenterology and Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit is in Pediatric Hematology.

Resident Training Process

The training of Child Health and Diseases specialty and subdivision of Child Health and Diseases specialty are provided by our department. The training program is prepared in accordance with the guidelines of Medical Specialization Board. Child health and diseases specialization training takes 4 years and division specialty training takes 3 years according to the Legislation. Child Health and Disease research assistants, must be successful in exams, make a thesis based on scientific research and successfully submit this thesis in thesis defense exam at the end of the training period.

Research Areas and Service Areas

Our Department provides to patients in all areas of child health and diseases through the scientific divisions. Training of students and assistants are provided by all divisions, and many scientific studies are carried out. Our Scientific Divisions have been the executive center or part of the national and international multi-centered work that have completed and continued.