Donation of VIP minibus to charity hospital

28 Ağustos, 2018 - 07:48 -- selim
Yazıcı uyumlu sürümYazıcı uyumlu sürüm
A patient who was treated at the Uludağ University Medical Faculty Hospital in Bursa donated a VIP minibus to be used at the Organ Transplantation Center after healing.
Bursa Uludag University Rector Dr. Yusuf Ulcay gave thanks to Abdullah Kiraz, who donated VIP minibus to the hospital. Faculty of Medicine and the Director of the Organ Transplant Center. Dr. Ekrem Kaya also thanked Abdullah Kiraz, who made a donation by emphasizing that he had an important role in organ transplantation, that this specially equipped vehicle had an important role in tracing the organs to the hospital in time and to the patient in need.

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Sosyal Medya